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What to expect

It is important to me to be honest about what I do and don't offer you as your therapist. This is so you can make an informed decision about whether working with me is going to be right for you. This is based on several years' experience with a huge range of clients. 


I don't offer specific solutions to your problems or tell you what needs to be fixed. Instead we work together to help you identify your own difficulties, and find your own answers. I do have expertise in many areas, but I bring this into our work in a considered and pre-agreed way, which adds to the direction you have chosen in therapy. 


I recognise therapy is a big commitment. It is expensive financially and sometimes emotionally.  I take my role as your therapist very seriously. I always keep in mind what you want to work on and how to best support you in this. Starting therapy in particular can be anxiety provoking, so I do whatever possible to help you feel comfortable and safe talking to me.  I always aim to create an environment where you can ask questions, get feedback, and understand what my thinking is. It is really important to me that our work is focused on what you want to get out of therapy and these goals will always be clear and mutually agreed.


On a practical level I have a contract we agree to at the beginning of our work, and a GDPR statement 

which outlines my responsibilities as a person registered with the Information Commissioners Office. 


My email address is

Phone: 07455263604



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